Shropshire Patients’ Group members play an active part in the Local Health Economy, making the voices of patients heard in county level forums and projects. We have grouped our work into a number of themes, in alphabetical order.
Click on a theme to see a more detailed list of activities.
Better Care Fund – delivering seamless services, across organisational boundaries, to improve patient experience and outcomes.
Shaping future health services across Shropshire.
Improving Hospital/Community Services – delivering improvements in hospital based services and better care after discharge.
Locality Groups – locality based Patient Groups and Boards provide forums for patients and clinicians to promote the needs of patients in their locality.
Long Term Conditions – delivering improvements for patients with chronic conditions, for instance Dementia, and Diabetes.
Influencing Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group by representing the interests of patients in formal meetings and working groups.
Other Activity – other activities which don’t fit neatly into another theme. These include 111 service, Opthalmology and Ambulance Services.
Want to get involved? If you are passionate about improving health services and have some time to give then we would welcome your contribution
Please contact us – click here.